Monday, May 9, 2011

Kinesis Workout of the Week 5/9-5/15 "Balance while Flying"

50 Second Intervals, 3 sets total
Stations with reps for each arm/leg: complete 1 round on each side as one set.

Beta: 1-Legged Balancing Cross-fly
1) Come into "Airplane", lace cable handles into into fly position.

2)Extend arms outward at vertical angle until you reach 180 degrees.
3) Modified version: Legs in stable lunge, arms fly to 180 degrees.
Alpha: 1-Legged Chest-fly Step-over
1) Wide outside grip on handles.

2) Step upward onto gray stools.

3) Land softly in front of gray stools, keeping most body weight on back leg.

4) While extending arms together in a straight forward motion.

Gamma: 1-Arm Lat Pull-down with Hip Abduction
1) Overhand grip on handles, (using one side at heavy weight for balance purposes only).
2) Bring arm straight down while bringing leg upward to meet hand to a hip abduction

Modified Version: Bring bent knee upwards for hip abduction rather than straight leg.

Delta: Extended Side Angle Press
1) Start coming into extended side angle. Underhand grip on handle.

2) Bring cable to shoulder, full side extension.

3) Extend arm above head into full shoulder press, fully elongating the body.

Modified version: Come onto knee, same arm movements. 

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